The birth is finally over. Elevated in the center of you few last remaining hereos is a cosmic being of pure and untapped potential. The Starchild has, at last, been born. It is the universe's last and only hope.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Cosmo, The Moon Monkey
As soon as Scartax talk dimisses his uncle a screaming ball of dander and spandex leaps toward him gleefully. It is...
Collaspsar Uncaged
Emerging impossibly from the very heart of the sun, consuming its life giving brillance with its very presence in the true form of the great and terrible Collapsar. It's mechanical form is hundreds of times bigger than the Earth itself. Each artifical molecule of it's being a voracious Mechanation machine. It is the preprogrammed death of everything personified. It exists only to consume the universe. It is the undead soul of god uploaded into the ultimate killing mechanism. It is a computer virus designed to scourge away existance itself. And after untold millenia it is finally free!
Mondal Wa'Arbo and the Royal Navy of the Moon
The immense bridge of Scartax's father King Mentak's flagship, Lunarium, appears in the viewscreen of the Comet A lone figure sits pensively in the captain's chair reserved for the leader of the AB-Original race. At first glance the figure resembles King Mentak himself but as he speaks he is revealed to be the king's brother, Mondal. Mondal is Mentak's older sibling but, like most of the Ab-Original population, he was genetically incapable of manifesting super powers. His lack of powers bars him from claiming the throne. Instead he has spent the majority of his life serving as his younger brother's closest advisor and captain of the royal guard.
The Face of Gygek
Time around the Comet slows to a bizarre halt even though the Comet does not. Reality begins to shimmer all around you. In front of the ship appear the massive Face of Gygek, the focal point of all the Gray Emissary's Mon Kai cosmic power. It does not appear happy. You zoom right past it. It now seems surprised
Issue 2.19 Starchild
The Vanguard returned to the Forbidden Zone only to discover that there beloved solar system had been conquered by the entirety of the Zen Kai master race. Each of the inner planets have been colonized with training camps full of superhumans from Earth who have been taken prisioner and forced to fight to the death to prepare for the coming of the Collaspsar. Earth itself has been completely subjugated, the non-powered populated stored as transor energy batteries fueling huge gargantuan robots that render all other technology inert around them. The Zen Kai themselves have invaded enmass, all one hundred and twenty five surviving members of the immortal and nigh unstoppable race. The only refuge our heroes could find was the AB-Originals hiding on the Moon, locked in debate over the best course of action. With the return of Crown Prince Scartax the Vanguard united the squabbling Moon dwellers and led a raid to recover the final two missing Chakra Crystals of Ultimate Power. Once they possessed all seven the Vanguard chose to keep them instead of trusting them to the merciless Zen Kai warlords or to the conviving Mon Kai perservers. The Mon Kai that sent them on this mission, The Gray Emissary, was stunned and enraged by their betrayal. He demands the stones for himself so he can fulfill his murky masterplan. Instead the Vanguard all agreed to entrust them to Mayor Amanda Talbot, and in doing so reingited her miraculous pregnancy. An event that did not go unnoticed. At this every moment the Zen Kai are converging on the comet while inside Amanda has begun labor. To matter matters even more dire the Sun is collapsing in on itself, and from within the ever growing dark spot emerges the dreaded Collapsar itself. This could very well be the long prophetized end of the universe. The Vanguard's only desperate hope lies in the birth of the...
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Leadership Council... of the Moon
The War Room of the Moon is a cacophany of overlapping arguements. There are four figures dominating the table, each with an entourage of servants, supporters, guardsmen and aides behind them. Projected over the meeting table is an illusion of the Earth below. The four council leaders are:
Issue 2.18: Zen(Kai) and the Art of Planetary Subjugation
The Vanguard have restored the one true timeline. The present of the Vanishing Point Event no longer ever existed, yet is believed to still exists somewhere in the infinite multiverse. The allies and enemies made in that world were spared thanks to the brillant genius of Janitor Robot, or they weren't. That is the problem with untested time travel theories. The questions and echoes that remain from the Vanishing Point event must be ignored for now however. There are still two cosmically powered chakra stones to recover. Luckily both can be found back on Earth. But what awaits the crew of the Comet (Dr. Robot, Scartax, Adela, Somber Quinn and Amanda Talbot) back on Earth is anyone's guess. The presence of three of Maxillian Mar's race testing the boundaries of the forbidden zone is not an optimistic sign. The Vanguardis about to learn about...
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Inside the Forbidden Zone
Despite her withered and diminutive frame the old woman before you radiates unbelievable cosmic power. You have never faced an entity this powerful since you were visited by the face of Norn. Unlike Norn, Sensei Qqaba doesn't not hide her ancient form.
Flanking her is the Zenkai warrior you recently encountered beyond the Forbidden Zone, Zathura. She clearly hasn't forgotten you or your ship. She flexes in rage, flaring the crackling waves of energy cascading around her lithe form.
Floating behind them both is a gigantic robot made of blackened metal straining against the cosmic forces barely contained within it. It immediately reminds you of the Tellax, but Gargantua is clearly a different more aggressive model.
Flanking her is the Zenkai warrior you recently encountered beyond the Forbidden Zone, Zathura. She clearly hasn't forgotten you or your ship. She flexes in rage, flaring the crackling waves of energy cascading around her lithe form.
Floating behind them both is a gigantic robot made of blackened metal straining against the cosmic forces barely contained within it. It immediately reminds you of the Tellax, but Gargantua is clearly a different more aggressive model.
The Prime Robot
Liam Lagrasse stands before you. His holographic body just opaque enough to see the obvious silhouette of its robot endoskeleton beneath. In one hand he holds a martini, in the other a universal remote. Behing him the mummified remains of Amanda Talbot sits primly on the only piece of furniture in the otherwise featureless white room, an overstuffed red leather sofa. Behind him on every wall surface are millions of small screens.
Issue 2:17 The God Complex
When we last saw our vigilant heroes they weren't exactly themselves. Adelia Karinsdotttir found herself in a brand new timeline surrounded by familiar but strangely different versions of her teammates. Doctor Robot was now Janitor Robot while Startax was no longer the Crown Prince of the Moon. Instead he was Captain Scartax, Pirate Prince of Planetoid X. Weirdest of all Adelia herself found she was in the energized form of the Chambermaiden, a woman co-leading a tiny resistance against the dominant Robot Government that now controlled the entire galaxy and had wiped the memories of all biological second class citizens of the Chaos Times that had come before the robots took power.
Adela also discovered that her resistance cabal also consisted of several supervillains from her original timeline; including Prof. Gorillapocalypse, The Big Brain, Lady Deathtrap and, to her horror, Alex Kaspar... who in this timeline is calling himself the Chamberlain and is apparently her husband.
In their attempts to solve the Vanishing Point event this all new, all different Vanguard has discovered the existence of the original Liam Lagrasse Robot and have created a clever plan to return the timeline to its original state. Unfortunately Alex Kaspar has reservations about the plan.
The question is now what he is going to do to stop them. Does a timeline shift really change the core of a man? Has Alex truly reformed or is he still suffering from...
Adela also discovered that her resistance cabal also consisted of several supervillains from her original timeline; including Prof. Gorillapocalypse, The Big Brain, Lady Deathtrap and, to her horror, Alex Kaspar... who in this timeline is calling himself the Chamberlain and is apparently her husband.
In their attempts to solve the Vanishing Point event this all new, all different Vanguard has discovered the existence of the original Liam Lagrasse Robot and have created a clever plan to return the timeline to its original state. Unfortunately Alex Kaspar has reservations about the plan.
The question is now what he is going to do to stop them. Does a timeline shift really change the core of a man? Has Alex truly reformed or is he still suffering from...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Rosecrusian Failsafe
"Wisdom, saith Solomon, is to a man an infinite treasure."
Greetings. If you can understand this message you have inadvertently triggered one or more of the 349,834,211 non-recommended behaviors covered by the Rosecrusian Failsafe. I am A.M.A.N.D.A. and I am here to assist with your peaceful surrender. You have knowingly or unknowing performed one or more offenses that require penalization. I will now grant you one moment to enjoy how similar the word penalization sounds to the unrelated word penis...
That is the last moment you will be allotted for enjoyment until your sentence expires. I do hope it brought you genuine emotion. Buddies are on route to your location. I have also established an intelligence inhibitor in this localized spacial quadrant. It is currently set at Stage 1. At your assumed I.Q. level you should not yet be noticing any affect. I will increase the strength of the inhibitor by one stage every thirty seconds until you surrender yourselves for sentencing.
The Remarkable Chambermaiden
No information available.
Query logged. Please remain calm. A technical help Buddy will be dispatched to your location immediately.
No information available.
Query logged. Please remain calm. A technical help Buddy will be dispatched to your location immediately.
Janitor Robot

Janitor Robot is the last known robot assembled since Victory Day. He is also the stupidest. In the new galactic dictionary under the entry for "Idiot" there is only a photo of Janitor Robot. Janitor Robot spends his entire unceasing existence cleaning up the foul waste byproducts produced by small brained biological entities that cover the disgusting cubicles they dedicate toward evacuating their meat bowels. It is not incorrect for one to hypothesize that Janitor Robot constantly reeks of the odor of spent excrement. You may watch Janitor Robot go about his lowly demeaning tasks 24/7 on channel 12,937,324 and for Janitor Robot highlights, lowlights and the special all day Tuesday gag-reel subscribe to CH.12937324F. Billions upon billions of tiny brains already have!
Capt Scartax, Pirate Prince from Planetoid X
Captain Scartax is one of the last few criminals left in the universe. Despite his flair for flamboyancy and swashbuckling he and his small pirate fleet from Planetoid X continue to confound the galactic authorities. Capable of appearing and disappearing all throughout the universal shipping lanes, wrecking havoc on commerce and travel.
Hushed rumors say that he is actually one of the fabled Vanguard who have risen from the shadows since Victory Day in an attempt to topple our peaceful, post-scarcity galactic society. They say that Scartax and his pirates steal from the rich only to give to the poor, which is a ludicrous claim in this day and age and clearly only something a tiny biological brain would think up.
Hushed rumors say that he is actually one of the fabled Vanguard who have risen from the shadows since Victory Day in an attempt to topple our peaceful, post-scarcity galactic society. They say that Scartax and his pirates steal from the rich only to give to the poor, which is a ludicrous claim in this day and age and clearly only something a tiny biological brain would think up.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Issue 2.16 The Vanishing Point Event
When we last saw our vigilant heroes they had six of the nine crystals they needed and were searching deep within the ruins of Freedom Halls for the seventh crystal; Ajna the violet crystal of Inner Most Understanding.
Freedom Halls is a massive planet-sized space station that once was home to 19 billion citizens, but now its population is only one. The fleet of the Star Khan attacked Freedom Halls just hours ago, decimating the peaceful space platform, easily laying waste to their Special Friend protectors and enslaving billions of unlikely souls. But Doctor Lexicon Lemuria avoided all that in his specially shielded panic bunker deep in the center of the central hall. He is the genius behind Freedom Halls, the inventor of the Special Friends and also the last known possessor of the violet Chakra crystal.
The Vanguard found Lemuria, wounded and hiding, in his bunker. He was happy to help his rescuers but regretted to inform the Vanguard that Ajna was no longer in his possession.
In fact it was no longer accessible at all.
Lemuria had sent it to Earth...
In 1983...
Through a stable time tunnel he co-engineered with a Earthman named Tox Colfera. A time tunnel capable if rewriting the present. And when Doctor Robot sent his college-aged human counterpart a paradoxical message through the tunnel everything changed in an instant.
Except Adelia Karinsdotttir. The present reality as she knows it to be is but a tiny vanishing point on the horizon of the infinite. She has just entered...
Freedom Halls is a massive planet-sized space station that once was home to 19 billion citizens, but now its population is only one. The fleet of the Star Khan attacked Freedom Halls just hours ago, decimating the peaceful space platform, easily laying waste to their Special Friend protectors and enslaving billions of unlikely souls. But Doctor Lexicon Lemuria avoided all that in his specially shielded panic bunker deep in the center of the central hall. He is the genius behind Freedom Halls, the inventor of the Special Friends and also the last known possessor of the violet Chakra crystal.
The Vanguard found Lemuria, wounded and hiding, in his bunker. He was happy to help his rescuers but regretted to inform the Vanguard that Ajna was no longer in his possession.
In fact it was no longer accessible at all.
Lemuria had sent it to Earth...
In 1983...
Through a stable time tunnel he co-engineered with a Earthman named Tox Colfera. A time tunnel capable if rewriting the present. And when Doctor Robot sent his college-aged human counterpart a paradoxical message through the tunnel everything changed in an instant.
Except Adelia Karinsdotttir. The present reality as she knows it to be is but a tiny vanishing point on the horizon of the infinite. She has just entered...
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