Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Issue 2.5: Invasion of the Earthors

Last time the Vanguard had started a riot on the lawless space station known as the Scragg. Split up and surrounded by alien pirates, murders and thieves our heroes eventually made it back to their ship, The Comet. That is when all cosmic weirdness broke out. The station was visited by the face of NORN, the Preserver of Fate who warned the group that they were destined to fulfill the Grey Emissary's task but that they were doomed to fail and that they maddeningly had the freewill needed to make their own destiny. No step closer to understanding the true nature of the universe the Vanguard said goodbye to the Argent Acrobat and traveled on to Freedom Halls, a massive space station and welcoming center for all free and peaceful races of the galaxy. There they plan to refuel, regroup and, in the case of Doctor Robot, redesign. Unbeknownst to our heroes fate appears to have more in store for them then their current plans may indicate. Tonight we pause for a very special episode of Victory for Vanguard...

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