Wednesday, September 20, 2017

VfV Volume 2 Episode 1: Welcome to the Neighborhood

The Vanguard is in SPACE! The Vanguard team agreed to help the alien Preserver and apparent Moon God The Gray Emissary prepare Shota for the coming of the unstoppable Collapsar. Doctor Robot, the Super-Unknown, Ultimate Saborosa and Prince Scartax volunteered to collect seven cosmically powered crystals containing the essence of Chakramundi, Lord of the first Universe. Once gathered these crystals could return Shota to his full strength, allowing him to face off against the Collapsar directly. The Vanguard team was instantaneously teleported to the very edge of the solar system and given a container holding something that would help them find and recover the crystals from their resting places through the galaxy. Unfortunately the container turned out to be filled with Maximillian Mar's head, which just as unfortunately appeared to retain the ability to reason and speak despite no longer being attached to Max's body. Shortly after that unpleasant discovery all Hell broke loose. What was, moments before, the vast dark emptiness of space was immediately filled with broadcasts in billions of languages and millions of space mines that surrounded their lunar space vessel on all sides. Only Scartax's lightning reflexes and hot shot piloting skills got the ship through the mine field somewhat intact. In their retreat most the critical ship systems were damaged and taken off line just as a large star ship appeared off their bow. It identified itself as the AAS Compendium, flagship of the Lore Republic. Prince Scartax and Ultima Saborosa were converted into energy streams and transmitted off the ship leaving the undetectable Adela, Doctor Robot in all his non-organic glory and Max's head still aboard the crippled moon rocket as it is tractor beamed into the larger ship's hold. 

What happens next is anyone's guess...

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